Volunteering is a Smart Career Move

Volunteering can be a fulfilling, meaningful, and life changing experience both for the individual volunteers and for the organizations they support. It can increase happiness, decrease depression, and even make you live longer. But volunteering isn’t just good for...

Hundreds Volunteer After Texas Floods

For those who haven’t been able to watch the news, Texas has had a terrible week in regards to weather. The state, which had formerly been in a drought and was in desperate need of rain, got its prayers answered in the form of massive thunderstorms....

How the Nepalese Are Using Crowdsourcing for Quake Relief

The earthquake that hit Nepal on April 25th has killed at least 7,000 people and left tens of thousands injured and missing with a possible death roll that will rise up to 10,000. There is no denying that this is one of the greatest catastrophes in recent history and...

Do Different Generations Approach Volunteering Differently?

Every generation approaches similar tasks differently and volunteering is no different. The differences between traditionalists, baby boomers, generation x-ers, and millennials can be seen in everyday life and the way they approach tasks. Each generation is looking...

Volunteering Makes You Think You Have More Free Time

Volunteering means donating your free time to help others in need. This very definition is one of the reasons that so few people end up volunteering; free time is precious and needed for both mental and physical health. While there are many who would love to help...