Going to college marks a very important stage in a person’s life. It is the time when they grow from adolescence into adulthood while figuring out who they want to be in life. This is the time of new experiences and finding discoveries about oneself. This is why...
After coming across a list of the greatest graduation speeches of all time the other month, I felt inspired and reflective. So far, I’ve written about Joyce DiDonato’s four truths and Ellen DeGeneres‘s inspiring story of success. This month, I’m writing about...
While volunteering is almost always appreciated and promoted, it turns out that some of it is unwanted and can even be dangerous to people nearby. Recently, the United States Department of Defense has asked armed civilians to stop patrolling and guarding US armed...
Volunteering can be a fulfilling, meaningful, and life changing experience both for the individual volunteers and for the organizations they support. It can increase happiness, decrease depression, and even make you live longer. But volunteering isn’t just good for...
The earthquake that hit Nepal on April 25th has killed at least 7,000 people and left tens of thousands injured and missing with a possible death roll that will rise up to 10,000. There is no denying that this is one of the greatest catastrophes in recent history and...